Light Armor is a type of Armor in Sword Coast Legends. This is a list of light armor in the game. Wearing these requires Light Armor Proficiency .

Light Armor




Padded armor consists of quilted layers of cloth and batting.

padded_chest-icon.png Padded Chest
AC: 1 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 5 Weight: 8

padded_armor-icon.png Padded Armor
AC: 1 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 5 Weight: 8


The breastplate and shoulder protectors of this armor are made of leather that has been stiffened by being boiled in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer and more flexible materials.

leather_chest-icon.png Leather Chest
AC: 1 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 10 Weight: 10

leather_breatplate.png Leather Breastplate
AC: 1 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 10 Weight: 10

leather_armor-icon.png Leather Armor
AC: 1 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 10 Weight: 10

leather_cuirass-icon.png Leather Cuirass
AC: 1 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 10 Weight: 10

Studded Leather

Made from tough but flexible leather. studded loather is reinforced with close-set rivets or spikes.

studded_leather_breastplate-icon.png Studded Leather Breastplate
AC: 2 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 45 Weight: 13

studded_leather_chest-icon.png Studded Leather Chest
AC: 2 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 45 Weight: 13

studded_leather_cuirass-icon.png Studded Leather Cuirass
AC: 2 Max Dex: No Max
Value: 45 Weight: 13



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